Elden Ring: A Tarnished’s Guide to the Lands Between

Elden Ring Apunkagames

Setting off for Elder Ring is timed on a series of trials that prove difficult yet fulfilling, making this RPG experience breathtaking. This guide serves as a useful means so you can prevail against the trials in this open world.

Character Creation & Early Game

  • Character Class: Someone with a sturdy build would greatly benefit from playing as a warrior while a mage or rogue can battle from afar.
  • Attributes: Gain an insight on how strength, mind and faith attributes can impact your character’s ability set.
  • Starting Area: Familiarize yourself with the zones from where you start, as they serve as an integral element for amassing essential equipment and resource.
  • Grace Sites: Level up to unlock new abilities, or simply fast travel using Grace sites whenever you’re in need or feel drained.

Combat & Exploration


  • Mastering Dodge & Guard: Heavy attacks can be blocked through guards but dodges can prove to be most advantageous in avoiding damage entirely.
  • Weapon Arts: These can be used as a means for additional angles and combinations for your melee strikes.
  • Spirit Ashes: The Spirit Ashes allow you to call for assistance in battle.
  • Status Effects: Status effects such as bleeding, poison and frostbite can and should be utilized as a form of defense or attack.


  • Mount – In the spirit of jumping into the fray, Torrent, the ghostly horse will enable the player to better travel the open world.
  • Map – The map can aid the player in locating several undiscovered regions, hidden dungeons or other places of interest.
  • Environmental Hazards: Cliffs, lava and poison swamps among other environmental hazards must be avoided at all costs.

Progression & Endgame

  • Great Runes – Character power can be boosted using the in-game feature called Great Runes after acquiring and equipping them.
  • Dungeons & Legacy Dungeons: Explore dangerous dungeons for powerful weapons, armor and items.
  • Bosses: Prepare for difficult bosses beforehand by studying their attack patterns and weaknesses.
  • Endgame Content: Check optional levels and further play with New Game+ and other endgame stuff after finishing the last boss of the game.

Tips & Tricks

  • Level Up Wisely: Always utilize your Runes spending on your character acquisition in tandem with the playstyle you intend to use.
  • Explore Thoroughly: Take time while you play. The world of the Lands Between has something new and valuable to offer in every corner.
  • Use Your Flask of Crimson Tears: Be sure to heal often to get through the hardest encounters.
  • Experiment: Explore and try out a combination of spells, weapons or different styles until you see what works best for you.

Elden Ring is unlike anything you’ve played before. Step into the battle and get lost in the exploration of the Lands Between.