
About Dinosaur Teeth

Nothing is so terrifying as the frightening teeth of the Tyrannosaurus. While terrifying, those enormous teeth played a crucial function in the life of dinosaurs. Through examining the shape, size of the teeth, their curvature, wear and other characteristics in the form of teeth, researchers are able to determine not only what the dinosaur consumed, but also the nuances of what it ate and how it mingled with other species of animals and plants within the ecosystem it was in.

The majority of fossils change their teeth quickly, with adults having to replace thousands of teeth throughout their lives. The process continues and as the crowns removed, other teeth are replaced and the tooth’s root gets absorbed. Due to this, dissociated dinosaur teeth with no crowns are very frequent in fossil records. Rooted teeth are more rare The tooth’s root is very fragile and it is likely be taken from the skull of an animal when death has already occurred. Teeth that have not been extracted are sometimes discovered as well. They never passed through the gums during the time an animal lived,, so they do not show signs of food wear.

what dinosaur has 500 teeth:The majority of teeth are not in perfect condition, and they will be worn from food. The wear may provide clues about what the animal consumed and how it moved the jaw while it was eating. Each dinosaur species is a part of particular niches of food sources within their habitats. One species may feed on plants that are coarser near to ground, while another is able to eat soft vegetation higher up . Their teeth can differ according to the different diets they consume.

Due to the particularity of diets of dinosaurs, a variety of species usually have one kind of teeth in their jaws, with the only difference being in size. The main exception is the meat-eating dinosaurs which’s teeth can vary significantly in shape and size as they moved back into the jaw. The teeth on the front (premaxilla teeth) were usually larger and packed tightly, which made them perfect to grip and pull. The teeth farther back in the jaw were more blade-like and aid in the cutting and slicing the meat. The different shape of the teeth can make it difficult to identify teeth that are not to a specific species of dinosaur.

Tyrannosaurus Rex reigns supreme as the supreme of tooth size, with the longest tooth ever recorded measuring twelve” long. This includes the root of the tooth , with the portion that is exposed being approximately 6″. The tiniest teeth are likely to belonged to the needle-like teeth of dinosaurs of the paravian family such as Microraptor.

A lot of theropods lose teeth eating their food and have been discovered hidden in the preserved remains of the prey. In many cases, fossil teeth are the only ones that exist of the species. This is the case for the mysterious Moroccan “raptor” which is recognized solely from the abundance of teeth discovered within the desert however no remains of a skeleton have been found.

what dinosaur has 500 teeth: Teeth that are isolated could provide clues as to what species resided in the area However, fossilization is more suited to areas with water and only finding teeth of an animal could be misleading. Teeth are usually small and they can be swept downstream in a similar way to any other pebble or stone. It is unlikely that skeletal remains can be found in the mountain-based dinosaurs, however their teeth might tumble down the mountain and be placed in the floodplains below to be mixed with skeletal remains and teeth of dinosaurs who were present in the river habitat. This is a very extreme instance however it illustrates the fact that assuming that the mountain dinosaur was a floodplain dweller solely on tooth remains could be problematic.

The Glossary of Dental Terminology

Carinae The ridges which typically create sharp edges on therapod teeth.
Denticles The serrations which form in the carinae.
Root Part of the tooth which is embedded into the jaw.
Crown The tooth’s upper part is over the jaw, and usually covered in enamel.
Enamel – Shiny and hard exterior of teeth.
Maxilla – Bones of the upper jaw which usually contain teeth.
Pre-Maxilla The bones that are located at near the back of your snout which usually bear teeth.
Dentary Bones that form the lower jaw, which typically contain teeth.
Pre-Dentary The bones in on the upper jaw. Rarely found.


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