Suppose you are unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident involving a motor vehicle, motorbike, or bicycle. In that case, you should hope that the driver who caused the accident possesses sufficient liability insurance coverage. They will pay for all of your costs, and you will not be required to contribute anything.
However, research suggests that twenty percent of drivers in Arizona do not have auto insurance. There is a one in five risk that you will be involved in an accident with someone who does not have insurance. In that situation, keep on reading to learn more.
Uninsured Motorists Protection
You can include uninsured motorist protection in your auto insurance policy. This coverage can be utilized in the event that the motorist who caused the accident does not own any liability insurance or in unusual circumstances in which the driver’s auto insurance policy does not protect them even though they were at fault for creating the accident. Uninsured motorist coverage can even be utilized in hit-and-run circumstances, in which the identity of the driver who caused the accident is unknown.
When you use your uninsured motorist policy, it covers the same costs you would expect the driver who caused the accident to pay for, such as your medical expenses, missed earnings, and pain and suffering.
Filing a Lawsuit
You have the right to sue the driver who caused the accident, provided that you do not live in a state that follows the “no-fault” model for auto insurance. Arizona is not a no-fault vehicle insurance state.
People who try to file a lawsuit on their own without the assistance of an attorney frequently discover that they are fighting a lost battle. The majority of individuals who do not have insurance do not have significant assets, and there is no assurance that you will be able to collect any money from them. Because of this, having uninsured motorist coverage as a component of your own auto insurance policy is of the utmost importance.
Using the Services of a Lawyer
Seek the advice of a lawyer as soon as possible if you have been involved in a severe collision with an uninsured driver. A skilled attorney will be able to gather the essential evidence linked to the incident and your damages, which you may not even be aware you need.
If you have been injured, you need to get a qualified personal injury lawyer who can negotiate a settlement on your behalf.