
Always Ask these Questions on Adopting a Child in Georgia

Adoption is an intimidating process, and there is no denying that fact. Behind the happy and smiling pictures of new families at every adoption agency, you will sense a feeling of sadness and confusion in all children. Many people look for adoption after they have a complete biological family or after facing infertility for an extended period.

These are common cases, but what if you have a child, you share a roof with and love as if they were your own, but in reality, they are not connected to you biologically or legally. This situation often occurs in foster care adoptions. You may want to make it official, but questions still fill your head. Thus, you must know such adoptions are not sad; they are hopeful.

To assist you in making such a grand progression in your life, you should call an adoption attorney in Atlanta at the first chance. We have also assembled a series of questions to get you started for your ease.

Mandatory Questions to Ask on Adopting a Child in Georgia

Following are the mandatory questions that you must ask on adopting a child:

1-     Is the Consent of the Absent biological Parent Needed?

Yes, the permission of the absent biological parent is required if they are alive and well. However, there are two ways to settle the issue of parental rights. If the birth parent abandons their visitation rights and financial facilitation, their rights will be terminated at once and can be shifted to you. If that is not achievable, the birth parent’s rights can be challenged in court for neglect, absence, or restraint. Likewise, if the absent parent is not physically or mentally stable, you can challenge their rights. The decision for adoption cases is under the jurisdiction of the courts, which makes it necessary for you to pick your adoption attorney very discreetly.

2-     Does a Child’s Age Matter in the Legal Process?

Considering kids for adoption in Georgia has a legal process that slightly varies for older kids. Any kid above the age of 14 has to write a consent letter that will verify their adoption is proceeding voluntarily. At times, the child may have to sign the verification form for consent instead of writing it. You must know about the legal processes of adoption that vary from age to age of children.

3-     Can the Absent Parent Challenge the Adoption?

The absent parent has a right to challenge the adoption at any turn in the court of law. According to the state laws of Georgia, it is possible to revoke the privileges of the custodial parent if they have left their child without contact for a year. This clause is mentioned in the adoption papers, and all adopting parents have to agree to it before they can proceed with the adoption.

4-     How to Tell the Kid that they are being Adopted?

At first, many parents do not tell their children about the adoption, which is a big mistake because when these children unintentionally find out in later years, they fall into a very expected identity crisis. Speaking to the children about such a grand moment in their life can be pretty intimidating. However, it needs to be communicated at the right time, and going about it the right way will benefit you and your child a lot. You must not burden your child with an identity crisis; tell them the truth with the right words and provide them with a loving environment for growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

1-     What is the father’s right in an adoption process?

Fathers also have rights, but they have to exercise them to protect them properly. In other words, if a man is not in favor of an adoption plan, then he legally needs to step up and show that he will be financially supportive before and after the birth. Moreover, he will be willing to commit to fatherhood for 18 years. He must do this in writing and file it with the Court. However, if he fails, then he loses his rights.

2-     What type of adoptions are available?

There are basically three types of adoption that you can choose from. Foster care, domestic adoption, and international adoption. All three are pretty obvious from their names. You can choose from any of these while planning for adopting a child in Georgia.



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