
Best marketing trends in music in 2022

Best marketing trends in music in 2022

Make at least one good music video or live video

The atmosphere that musicians create on stage is no less important for fans than the compositions themselves. Add videos of your performances to the page – and new listeners from other cities will feel some of the emotions that were born in the hall. A full art video clip is another way to make yourself known on the popular YouTube. In addition, not all media on the site have plugins for embedding audio, so they only embed video content.

Only post completed tracks

The Internet remembers everything. Perhaps in a few years you will not like the version of the track, and it will be impossible or very time consuming to remove it from some resources.

Record at least one collaboration for an upcoming album

Working in a team gives an interesting experience (this is useful in general in any field). Plus new names will decorate and diversify your album. You can also appear in the clips of your friends, thereby attracting the attention of their audience. Or you can go on stage during their performance to perform something together. This is another way to get new listeners. Collaboration is the second best way after one simple strategy – buy SoundCloud followers. It’s important to start a SoundCloud or Spotify plan with an important thing – attracting followers.

Perform at good events

Big and small, local or in neighboring cities. Any organizer spends money to promote the event by distributing an announcement and poster. The bigger the event, the bigger the budget. In addition, for you, this is always a new audience of listeners – they will listen to the tracks before the concert or, perhaps, appreciate the performance.

Apply for playlists

These playlists are most common on Spotify and Apple Music and are grouped around a theme. Large music communities, sites about new music and bloggers have their own collections. There are also editorial playlists (such as “the main news of the month”), which are sometimes made open – anyone can submit an application for inclusion.

Save the project more often and have a multitrack in WAV

This is very banal advice. However, while communicating with our musicians, we realized that about 70% of the albums that were recorded only 7-8 years ago do not have source codes or WAV versions. Placing an album, for example, on Apple Music or Deezer, having only an mp3 is almost impossible. And to make a remix – even more so.