
Cheap Custom Essay Writing Services: Are They Safe and Legit?

If you are a student, then you must have encountered some challenging tasks that require help. While sometimes the help can come from your colleague students, some of those tasks require professional help.

Here is where things start to get murky. There are thousands of essay writing companies both cheap and expensive, but are all of them worth their salt?

It goes without saying that a good number of students often settle for cheaper companies. Is this a bad thing, though?

Well, this post will help you decipher whether a cheap custom writing service similar to Affordable Papers is legal or safe. In addition, you will also get to understand how to know if you are dealing with a legit company or not. Tag along!

So, are they legit or not?

Yes, and no! This is not to confuse you at all. If the company is professional and affordable, then it probably is legit. It is imperative that you put your attention to the word “affordable.” You should know that nothing of value comes cheap, it could be affordable but not cheap. If you have been around this industry long enough, then you know that good-quality essays require time and enough research that does not come cheap. The efforts that go into creating an essay that will be not only acceptable but good for your grades require access to resources that are expensive to get.

Red flags that you should always keep an eye on are those unrealistically cheap companies. Working with such companies will only mean that you are putting your grades on the line, as you will not get anything from working with them.

Work with affordable companies that have a proven track record and a system that actually can hold the writer accountable whenever necessary.

Do Free Essays Exist?

Trust me, there are no professional and qualified companies that offer free services and you should never expect to be given one. However, you have the option of requesting a sample of their work beforehand. This will give you an assessment opportunity whether their work is as advertised or not.

In fact, genuine essay writing companies should be willing to give you a free sample of their work.

So how do you know if the services are high quality or not?

Here is where you need to be extra careful before getting yourself knee-deep into a contract that you might not like. However, there are a few key pointers that you should keep in mind in order to avoid such pitfalls.

Look for Online Reviews

Other previous clients will give you a clear picture of who you are getting into business with. Have a look at what their prices are, if they are too low or too high, then that should set your alarms ringing.

Illegal and low-quality writing companies often under-price or over-price their services. Legitimate companies offering top-notch quality essays usually work within reasonable price ranges because they understand that they are dealing with students, and they genuinely want to help out.

Go Through Their Samples

Again, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so don’t shy away from requesting samples beforehand. Reputable and reliable essay writing companies often have free samples on their website. However, in the event that they are not available, always request one or two for you to assess their writing style.

From here, you can easily tell whether their services are top drawer or not.

Cheap is Not Always Bad

You get what you pay for is a term that is thrown around rather carelessly in the essay writing world. While it is true most of the time, you should also consider and understand that some affordable essay companies often start at the beginning with low prices as they build up gradually.

This will help you as a student as well since you will get a chance of experiencing the quality of work and then later down the line you will be more comfortable increasing the pay. Quality services should not break the bank, you should be able to afford it and get the necessary help that you are looking for.

How to spot a legit and affordable essay company

Essays are Written Afresh

Yes, there are companies that offer pre-written essays. This is not bad, especially if you have missed your deadline and want a paper written ASAP. This route should be a last resort. You can never be too sure if the essay was submitted somewhere before, or it is plagiarism-free.

Reasonable Deadlines

It goes without saying that you need your paper as soon as possible.

However, the desperation of needing a quick fix often leaves you vulnerable and at the mercy of fraudsters that offer deals too good to be true. A well-thought-out essay takes time and getting one done super quickly will mean two things, you pay expensive rates, or get a substandard paper.


Refund policies often raise more questions than answers for students seeking essay services. However, this policy is there to give you an assurance that the particular company is so sure about their quality and will grant your request for a refund if you are not satisfied with the quality.

Remember, if any essay company whether cheap or expensive doesn’t have this policy, you will have to work with whatever you are given. Any company that operates like this has no business in the essay writing space.

So, should you go for cheap essay writing companies? Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question on your behalf. However, if you follow the guides in this post, you will be able to make the best decisions for yourself.

Cheap essay companies do not necessarily translate to poor-quality work. The pointers addressed in this post should point you in the right direction and help you make better judgment and eventually get a company that will help you.

What is important, however, is to do your due diligence on any essay writing company before settling. This should help you avoid the many pitfalls that many students get into and choose a legit and reliable essay writing service for your academic needs.