
Do You Need A Bartending License In California?

Do You Need A Bartending License In California?

If you are looking for a bartender job in the state of California, you may be wondering if you need to obtain a bartending license. It is important that you know if you need a bartending license from the state in order to work behind the bar or not because a restaurant can be fined for employing people who do not have a license

Overview of Bartending Laws in California

CA new law for bartenders: If you’re wondering about the laws that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has regarding bartenders, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is illegal to serve alcohol if you are under 21 years old. Second, any bartender must obtain a California bartender’s license before they can be allowed to serve alcohol at an establishment where people may drink. And third, it is illegal for anyone to work as a bartender in the state without having obtained a bartending license from ABC. 

In order to work as a bartender in California, you will need the appropriate license. Licensing requirements vary depending on the type of establishment you work in, but most establishments require at least a Class C Bartender’s License. Here is a brief overview of the licensing requirements for bartending in California: 

Class A Bartender’s License: To work as a Class A bartender, you will need a valid Class A Bartender’s License. This license is usually required for bars and nightclubs that serve alcoholic beverages. 

Class B Bartender’s License: To work as a Class B bartender, you will need a valid Class B Bartender’s License. This license is usually required for bars and nightclubs that do not serve alcoholic beverages, but may serve food. 

Class C Bartender’s License: To work as a Class C bartender, you will need a valid Class C Bartender’s License. This license is usually required for restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages.

What Is A Bartender’s License?

A bartender’s license is a credential that allows individuals to work in the bartending industry. A bartender’s license must be obtained in each state in which the individual desires to work. In California, a bartender’s license can be obtained through the Department of Consumer Affairs.

What Are The Requirements To Obtain A Bartenders License?

In California, there are a few requirements that need to be met in order to obtain a bartender’s license. The most common requirement is that you must be at least 21 years of age. You also need a valid California driver’s license or state identification card. Additionally, you must have completed an approved bartender training program. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply for a bartender’s license through the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).

There are several conditions that must be met before your license will be issued. These conditions include passing a criminal background check, paying a $100 application fee, and having liability insurance in effect. Your license will also expire biennially and must be renewed every two years.

If you plan on working as a bartender in California, it is important to understand the requirements that are needed to work in this profession. Not all states have the same licensing requirements, so it is important to research your state’s regulations before starting a bartending career.

Is It Difficult To Obtain A Bartender’s License In California?

Yes, obtaining a bartender’s license can be difficult in California. In order to be eligible for licensure, you must pass an exam and meet other requirements set by the state. Additionally, some municipalities may have additional requirements, such as having experience serving drinks.

What Would Happen If I Didn’t Get It Yet?

If you’re like most new bartenders, you’ve probably been told that a California bartending license is a must if you want to work in the state. But what happens if you don’t yet have one? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the consequences of not having a California bar tending license, and how to get one if you need it. 


If you plan on bartending in California, it is important to be aware of the licensing requirements that are in place. Not all states have the same regulations when it comes to bartending, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the laws in your state before starting a business as a bartender. Make sure you also check for any local ordinances that may be specific to your area.