Lifeguards are responsible for the safety of the people they watch. They can be found in swimming pools, beaches and water parks. Lifeguards in the United States are required to take official training at an institution recognized by the American Lifesaving Association (USLA) or some other professional institution. The American Lifeguard Association is one of the best places for lifeguard training. They are located all over the country in all major cities to make it easier for you to find lifeguard training near me.
Monitor Facilities
The main duty of a lifeguard is to supervise the facilities in which they work. This involves monitoring swimmers in a pool, patrolling beaches, and identifying dangerous conditions that may arise in any of these locations. In a large pool or on a beach, a lifeguard may work as part of a team. They are responsible for all the people within the area, but they are also aware of the people who are far away so that they do not go unnoticed.
Rescue Swimmers
If a swimmer is in difficulty, the lifeguard has a duty to intervene. In a swimming pool, the lifeguard must alert other swimmers to the situation and swim to the person’s rescue. At a beach or water park, the lifeguard coordinates the most appropriate method of rescue with other lifeguards. This manoeuvre involves the use of special equipment, such as a lifeboat or jet ski. In addition, the lifeguard alerts the emergency team and ensures that the rescued person is taken to a doctor as soon as possible.
Emergency Care Procedures
A lifeguard is responsible for giving emergency care to an injured person. This includes performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and managing hypothermia and other water-related ailments. The lifeguard remains with the person until the emergency services arrive, at which time he must provide all the information about what happened to the paramedics.
Report Writing
One of the duties of a lifeguard is to write a report of all the incidents that occur in their workday. A detailed description of the events includes the causes and the conditions shown by the affected person. Lifeguard training also teaches to make the lifeguard responsible for making inventory reports and repairs made to their equipment, among other administrative duties that are required by the establishment where they work.
What should lifeguards wear to work?
Lifeguards are an important aspect of any pool or beach. When working as a lifeguard, there may be specific rules that your employer puts in place about what type of attire must be worn to work, while others may be more relaxed. As a lifeguard, it is important to wear clothing that both protects you from the sun and allows you to jump at any time.
Some pools and beaches may require their employees to wear uniforms. This will help make them easily recognizable to those who need help. Uniforms may consist of a t-shirt and special shorts. In the United States, many lifeguards wear T-shirts with a cross on them and often wear red and white. During the winter months, lifeguards may be asked to wear uniform tops and long pants.
Also Find Out: American Lifeguard Association Lifeguard Training Near Me
Swimsuits are a must for any lifeguard. Some pools and beaches may distribute bathing suits as uniforms for lifeguards, making them recognizable to those in need of assistance. These swimsuits are often red in the United States and may have the word “Lifesaver” printed on them so that people swimming are able to identify the lifesaver quickly and easily. If your company does not offer a swimsuit, it is still essential to wear one under your clothes.
Sun Protection
Lifeguards spend a lot of time in the sun, so protecting yourself from harmful rays is of the utmost importance. When working outdoors, first responders should wear a protective hat or visor to shield their faces from the sun. They may also choose to wear sunglasses to further protect their eyes from UV rays. Also, they should always wear sunscreen in order to prevent their skin from burning while they are working.
Additional Features
Lifeguards must be willing to jump into the pool in a second, as well as enforce the rules that are necessary. Wearing sandals while in the pool will protect your feet from the hot concrete, while allowing you to remove them very quickly if necessary. In addition, first responders should carry a whistle with them, which will allow them to quickly and effectively get the attention of those who are breaking the rules or the attention of others during an emergency.