Now to the announced tips. Let’s say you want to write a thank you letter. It goes to work.
1. Typed or handwritten?
If you have reasonably legible handwriting, you should always prefer a handwritten letter to a typed one.
If you are not so enthusiastic about your handwriting and unsure whether the recipient can decipher it at all, you can also type the letter and only write the salutation and signature by hand and Buy Assignment Online.
2. No standard thank you cards!
In the specialist shops there is an extensive selection of thank you cards with a suitable motif and sayings. Just sign it, put it in an envelope and send it off. Ready.
Please don’t! Because these standard cards with the signature slapped on them always leave a loveless impression – exactly the opposite of what you want to achieve with them.
Better: Get some fine stationery and use blue ink to write – it looks particularly elegant.
3. First the text draft
Before you compose the letter, take out a slip of paper. Just start writing without paying attention to a certain structure and form. Jot down everything that comes to mind on the topic. Just keywords are enough for now.
If you then have enough “fodder”, you can start formulating your letter. And only after the fine-tuning is the text put on fine stationery.
4. Be authentic
The text should be honest and authentic – just as if you were talking to the person.
Avoid clichés. It doesn’t need any fancy words, not even particularly flowery ones. Because the kitsch factor often creeps in only when the text is embellished. It is far more important that the words come from the heart.
5. Get straight to the point
It should be immediately clear to the recipient that this is a thank you letter. So, right at the beginning, write that you say thank you.
6. Be specific
What exactly are you thanking for? Go e.g. B. on a specific event or a specific action: the good cooperation on project X, the great support on the way to …
7. Call the recipient by their name
This should go without saying, but I would like to mention it at this point: Call the recipient by name in the letter. “Dear Burkhard, …” This conveys to the person that they are important to you.
8. The format plays a minor role
With a thank you letter, you do not have to observe any special format or standards, as is the case with a business letter, for example. Decide on a format that would also appeal to you as the recipient.
9. Brevity is the spice?
Basically yes. But a thank you letter can easily contain more than three sentences. Because the longer – without getting into ramblings – the more the letter will express that you deliberately took your time.
Of course, it also depends on the reason for the thank-you letter. Sometimes just a few sentences are sufficient to properly express gratitude (e.g. for a gift).
10. Finally, good wishes
Good, now you have thanked me. Finally, what is your wish for the recipient? Good wishes always form a coherent conclusion.
11. How about a quote?
A suitable quote can significantly enhance your writing. With just a few words, “great wisdom” is often summed up. But it also shows the recipient that you’ve made the effort to find a suitable quote.
On the web you will find countless quotes for almost every occasion and Premium Essay Writing Samples.
12. An insert emphasises the personal touch
And that can be a small thing: for example, a photo that shows you and the recipient together – perhaps in the situation that you also give as a reason for your thanks. Or a dry-pressed flower as an accompaniment, a self-painted picture.
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