
Why Valorant Points are Worth the Investment

Valorant is a popular first-person shooter game developed by Riot Games, known for its competitive gameplay, unique characters, and extensive customization options. One of the key features of the game is Valorant Points, a premium currency that allows players to purchase in-game items and unlock new agents. In this article, we will delve into what Valorant Points are, how they work, and why they matter.

What are Valorant Points?

Valorant Points, also known as VP, are the premium currency used in Valorant. They can be used to buy a variety of in-game items, such as weapon skins, character skins, and other cosmetic items that do not affect gameplay. Players can also use Valorant Points to unlock new agents in the game.

How to Get Valorant Points?

Players can obtain Valorant Points through several methods. The most straightforward way is to purchase them with real money. Players can buy VP in different denominations, ranging from 475 VP for $4.99 to 11,000 VP for $99.99. The more VP a player buys, the more value they get for their money. For example, buying the 11,000 VP bundle gives the player 1,300 bonus VP for free.


Players can also get Valorant Points by completing in-game missions. These missions are usually tied to the game’s seasonal events and can involve tasks such as playing a certain number of games or getting a certain number of kills with a particular weapon. The rewards for completing these missions can include VP, among other things.

Finally, players can receive Valorant Points through Twitch Drops. These drops are given to players who watch streams of Valorant on Twitch and have their Riot Games account linked to their Twitch account. These drops can include in-game items, including Valorant Points.

Why are Valorant Points Important?

Valorant Points are an essential part of the game’s economy as they allow players to purchase cosmetic items that can enhance their gameplay experience. These items do not affect the game’s balance or give players an unfair advantage, but instead, they allow players to personalize their characters and weapons to fit their style.

For instance, a player might purchase a weapon skin that makes their gun look like a dragon. This skin does not change the weapon’s stats or provide the player with an advantage over other players. Still, it does give players a chance to showcase their individuality and make their gameplay experience more enjoyable.

Additionally, players can use Valorant Points to unlock new agents in the game. While some agents can be unlocked through gameplay, others can only be purchased with Valorant Points. Each agent has unique abilities that can alter the game’s course, and having access to all of them can give players an edge over their opponents.

How do Valorant Points Impact the Game’s Economy?

Valorant Points play an important role in the game’s economy. Because they are a premium currency that can only be purchased with real money, they are a limited resource that players must use wisely. This means that the items that can be bought with Valorant Points are generally more valuable than those that can be obtained through gameplay alone.

The limited availability of Valorant Points also means that they have a higher perceived value than in-game currency. Because players must spend real money to obtain them, they are seen as more valuable than in-game currency, which can be earned through gameplay. This perception can influence how players choose to spend their Valorant Points.

Another way that Valorant Points impact the game’s economy is through their role as a reward for completing in-game missions. These missions give players a way to obtain Valorant Points without spending real money, making them more accessible to players who might not otherwise be able to afford them. This provides an incentive for players to continue playing the game and completing missions, thereby contributing to the game’s longevity and player engagement.

Moreover, the use of Valorant Points in the game’s economy also generates revenue for the game’s developers, Riot Games. The more players purchase Valorant Points, the more revenue the company generates, which can be used to fund the development of new features and content for the game.

Tips for Using Valorant Points

For players who want to get the most out of their Valorant Points, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, players should prioritize buying agents over cosmetic items. While cosmetic items can enhance the gameplay experience, they do not impact the game’s balance or give players a strategic advantage. On the other hand, having access to all of the game’s agents can provide players with a greater range of strategies and playstyles to choose from.

Second, players should wait for sales or promotions before making purchases with Valorant Points. Riot Games often runs sales on in-game items, including agents and cosmetic items, which can provide players with discounts on their purchases. Waiting for these sales can save players money and allow them to get more value out of their Valorant Points.

Finally, players should avoid spending their Valorant Points on items that do not enhance their gameplay experience. While it can be tempting to purchase cosmetic items that look cool, they do not provide any tangible benefits to gameplay. Instead, players should focus on items that can enhance their gameplay experience, such as agents with unique abilities or weapon skins that provide visual cues that can help with aim.


Valorant Points are a critical part of the game economy in Valorant. They allow players to purchase cosmetic items and unlock new agents that can enhance their gameplay experience. While they are a limited resource that can only be obtained through real money, they also serve as a reward for completing in-game missions, making them more accessible to players who might not otherwise be able to afford them.

The availability and value of Valorant Points can also influence how players choose to spend them, as they are seen as a more valuable currency than in-game currency. As Valorant continues to evolve and develop, it is likely that Valorant Points will continue to play an important role in the game’s economy and overall player experience.

If you are a fan of first-person shooter games and have not yet tried Valorant, it is worth giving it a shot. With its unique characters, competitive gameplay, and customization options, it has quickly become a fan favorite among gamers around the world. Whether you are looking to customize your character, unlock new agents, or just have fun, Valorant Points are a great way to enhance your gameplay experience.